Beauty and Skin

Cryofacials minimize the size of pores, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten your skin. Additionally, they calm the symptoms of acne eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.Cryotherapy builds collagen to reduce wrinkles and cellulite and enhance your overall skin tone.

Weight Loss

When the cold rushes into the core of the body calories are burned and weight is lost. Combine this with our cool sculpting and you have a completely natural non invasive alternative to fat loss that is highly effective and painless.

Pain and Injuries

The extreme cold rushes vital nutrients to the inner core and relieves pain and inflammation naturally. After suffering an injury or moderate ache our targeted whole body cryotherapy with drastically speed up recovery and relieve pain.


Set yourself free of stress and anxiety with whole body cryotherapy. An all natural rush of endorphins flood your body as the fight or flight response its triggered by the extreme cold. This is known to the japanese as “hot cold” therapy. For thousands of years particularly in Eastern cultures hot cold therapy was used to relieve stress naturally.


Used by elite athletes worldwide who seek to gain an edge over the competition cryotherapy gives them that edge by speeding up post workout recovery and relieving post game tension.